It’s a safe bet that Daryl Hawk won’t be looking for an assistant any time soon. When he leaves family, friends, and the commercial, portrait, and advertising photography business he runs out of his Connecticut studio in order to pursue images and adventures in the wild places, he travels, and photographs, alone.
“I get people all the time who want to go with me as assistants, to carry the gear or shoot with me,” Daryl says. He politely turns them down. First, he travels light, so there’s not that much gear to carry, but most important, he wants his treks to be solitary adventures.
Daryl has traveled and photographed in most of North America, Central and South America, and later this year he’ll be heading for the Himalayas for an assignment in Bhutan. Daryl deliberately chooses rugged wilderness territories. “They inspire me as a person and as a photographer.”